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Browser Support

Font Awesome supports and works out-of-the-box in the following web browsers. If you need additional browser support, your best bet is to reach out to our community who may have relevant experience and can lend a hand.

EdgeLast 2 major versions
IEVersions 11 and 10 * **
ChromeLast 2 major and business versionsiOS latest and Android 6, 5, 4
FirefoxLast 2 major and ESR versionsiOS latest and Android 6, 5, 4
SafariLast 2 major versionsiOS 9+
OperaLast 2 major versions
YandexLast 2 major versions

* IE 10 does not support MutationObserver technology. The JavaScript library for Font Awesome relies on this in order to watch for changes made in the page.

** Uploaded icons in Web Font-based kits won’t work in IE 10 and 11. You can use a SVG-based kit if you need to support uploaded icons in those browsers.