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Upload Icons

Now with the magic of Kits, you can upload your own icons and use them right alongside official Font Awesome ones! We’ll cover the basics of uploading and using your own icons alongside Font Awesome.

A Kit set to use Pro icons You’ll need to have a Kit using Pro Icons in order to upload icons

1. Design Your Icon

Are you new to making icons or want to become more familiar with our icon grid, shapes, and approach when designing your own? We’ve put together icon design guidelines to help your icons look and feel right at home next to Font Awesome icons.

View icon design guidelines

2. Get Your Icon Ready for Upload

We put together an extensive guide to prepping icons to upload (<buzz>and beyond!</buzz>).

View the Icon Prep Recommendations

3. Upload Your Icon to a Kit

Head on over to your Pro Kit of choice to get started. From there, you can upload SVG files in the “Uploaded Icons” section of your Kit. We accept SVGs via drag and drop, file browsing, and even pasting in the SVG directly — for those of you who want to copy straight from Adobe Illustrator or edit raw SVG code.

When uploading icons to a Kit, we’ll do our best to apply our best practices as we process them automagically. However, we can’t catch and solve all the ways that things could go sideways, so be sure to follow the tips for prepping your icons.

Keep these things in mind about uploaded icons:

  • Uploaded icons are tied to a specific Kit and will only work on projects that reference that Kit
  • Uploaded icons are only available for web use right now.
  • You can upload as many icons as your plan allows (in one or across many Kits).
  • Uploaded icons can have the same name as official Font Awesome icons (the unique prefix will set them apart)

Using Uploaded Icons in a Project

Once you’ve uploaded and published your own icons to a Kit, they are immediately ready to use in any project using that Kit!

SolidFreefas<i class="fas fa-basketball-hoop"></i>
RegularPro Requiredfar<i class="far fa-basketball-hoop"></i>
LightPro Requiredfal<i class="fal fa-basketball-hoop"></i>
DuotonePro Requiredfad<i class="fad fa-basketball-hoop"></i>
BrandsFreefab<i class="fab fa-dribbble"></i>
Kit UploadsPro Services Requiredfak<i class="fak fa-basketball-hoop-broken"></i>

Here’s an example of an HTML file referencing both official and uploaded icons from a Kit…

<!doctype html>
<!-- Place your Kit's code here -->
<script src="[YOUR_KIT_CODE]" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- official solid icons -->
<i class="fas fa-pennant"></i>
<i class="fas fa-basketball-hoop"></i>
<i class="fas fa-basketball-ball"></i>
<!-- official brand icon -->
<i class="fab fa-dribbble"></i>
<!-- (ficticious) uploaded icons: reference icons you've uploaded to your Kit -->
<i class="fak fa-pennant"></i>
<i class="fak fa-basketball-hoop-broken"></i>
<i class="fak fa-shaq-dunking"></i>
<i class="fak fa-shaq-rapping"></i>

Uploaded icons can use all of the official Font Awesome styling options, including sizing, coloring, rotating, power transforms, masking, and layering. You can also use your uploaded icons as pseudo-elements.