Building off of the vertical alignment in our fixed-width styling, we added some utility styling to handle HTML lists with icons used as decorative bullets.
Use fa-ul
and fa-li
to replace default bullets in unordered lists.
List icons can be used to replace bullets in lists
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "fas fa-check-square" ></ i ></ span >List icons can</ li >
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "fas fa-check-square" ></ i ></ span >be used to</ li >
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "fas fa-spinner fa-pulse" ></ i ></ span >replace bullets</ li >
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "far fa-square" ></ i ></ span >in lists</ li >
List icons can be used to replace bullets in lists
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "fas fa-check-square" ></ i ></ span >List icons can</ li >
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "fas fa-check-square" ></ i ></ span >be used to</ li >
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "fas fa-spinner fa-pulse" ></ i ></ span >replace bullets</ li >
< li >< span class = "fa-li" >< i class = "far fa-square" ></ i ></ span >in lists</ li >