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Use npm Downloads

As a backer of Font Awesome 5, you have access to download the Font Awesome 5 Pro npm packages and use them in your projects. Thanks again for your fa-historical support!

These packages could be installed from a filesystem, accessed through a private URL, or hosted on your own private npm registry. They can then be used like any other npm dependency.

Using the Local Filesystem

  1. Download the npm package(s) from the “Pro Packages” section of Font Awesome Downloads. For example, we will download the npm package for the Font Awesome 5 Duotone style.
  2. Save the package to your computer (ex: /Users/fontawesome/development).
  3. Install the package into your project like the example below…
Terminal window
npm install /Users/fontawesome/development/fortawesome-pro-duotone-svg-icons-5.15.4.tgz

Using a Private URL

  1. Download the npm package(s) from the “Pro Packages” section of Font Awesome Downloads. For example, we will download the npm package for the Font Awesome 5 Duotone style.
  2. Save the package to an internal, private server that can be accessed via a URL.
  3. Install the package into your project like the example below…
Terminal window
npm install

Other Font Awesome npm Packages

All other Font Awesome npm packages, like @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core, can be installed using the public npm registry. You can find more information on how to use the packages with our getting started guide. More information for installing npm packages can be found at