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Upgrade from Version 4

Are you using Font Awesome Version 4 on a project and ready to upgrade? We’ve tried to make it as straightforward and easy as possible to upgrade from Version 4 to Version 6.

When we released Version 5, we redesigned it from scratch. And now with Version 6, we’ve built upon that foundation and added features and improvements all around. With that in mind, there are some differences from v4 to keep in mind when using v6.

What’s Changed From Version 4 to 6?

New Icon Styles

We introduced several new styles and now have Solid, Regular, Light, Duotone, and Thin styles for each and every icon in Font Awesome. We also separated out Brand icons on their own for easier use.

It’s still the case that for each icon you want to use, you need to:

  1. specify the icon’s name
  2. use the proper prefix

Version 4 just had one prefix — fa. Version 6 now has several styles of icons, each with its own prefix to let you set the style of an icon:

Icon StyleAvailabilityNew PrefixSVG + JS FilenameWeb Font Filename
RegularPro onlyfa-regularregular.jsfa-regular-400.*
LightPro onlyfa-lightlight.jsfa-light-300.*
ThinPro onlyfa-thinthin.jsfa-thin-100.*
DuotonePro onlyfa-duotoneduotone.jsfa-duotone-900.*
Sharp SolidPro onlyfa-sharp fa-solidsharp-solid.jsfa-sharp-solid-900.*

<!-- Version 4's syntax -->
<i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i>
<!-- Version 6's syntax -->
<i class="fa-solid fa-camera-retro"></i>
<!-- example: regular style of camera-retro -->
<i class="fa-regular fa-camera-retro"></i>
<!-- example: light style of camera-retro -->
<i class="fa-light fa-camera-retro"></i>
<!-- example: duotone style of camera-retro -->
<i class="fa-duotone fa-camera-retro"></i>
<!-- example: thin style of camera-retro -->
<i class="fa-thin fa-camera-retro"></i>
<!-- example: sharp solid style of camera-retro -->
<i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-camera-retro"></i>

Outline Style Icons are Now Regular Style

Similarly, all icons with an outlined style (their name usually ended with -o) are now part of the Regular style, use the fa-regular style class, and have had their -o suffix removed.

Browser Support

Version 6 supports all modern web browsers out of the box. But it does not support older or deprecated browsers that Version 4 once did. Check out official browser support list to make sure your project needs are covered.

How to Upgrade from Version 4 to 6

1. Locate and Remove Version 4 Assets & References

Loading two different versions of Font Awesome may cause conflicts, so you’ll need to locate the old files and remove them before adding in Version 6. Look for any folder containing Font Awesome assets like Web Fonts (/fontawesome/fonts/), CSS (/fontawesome/css), and pre-processor options (/fontawesome/less and /fontawesome/scss).

Next, remove the lines that include Version 4’s CSS or JS from the <head> of your templates/pages’ HTML, including any that point to Version 4’s CDN.

Find the fontawesome files in your project directories:

2. Set up Version 6 Assets

We recommend using a Kit — It’s like a CDN just for you and it comes with older version compatibility automatically included!

Other Methods

If you can’t use a kit, you can choose one of the other ways to set up Font Awesome on the Web. To host the files yourself, follow the instructions for using hosting yourself that works best for your project:

Add the Version 4 Shim

If you don’t want to update all the icon references across your project, you can use our Version 4 shim to map v4 icon names to those in the latest version of Font Awesome.

When using SVG + JS, you’ll add the v4-shims.js file below the other Version 6 JS files you’re including:

<!-- Your Version 4 js file gets repalced with the .js files for the styles you want to use -->
<!-- In this example, we added the Solid and Brands styles, but you can add any or all of the styles -->
<script defer src="/your_path_to_version_6_files/js/solid.js"></script>
<script defer src="/your_path_to_version_6_files/js/brands.js"></script>
<!-- add the core fontawesome.js file -->
<script defer src="/your_path_to_version_6_files/js/fontawesome.js"></script>
<!-- support v4 icon references/syntax for SVG+JS -->
<script defer src="/your-path-to-fontawesome/js/v4-shims.js"></script>
<!-- Your icons should show up just as before -->

When using Web Fonts, you’ll include the v4-shims.css file below the other Version 6 JS files you’re including:

<!-- add the core fontawesome file -->
<link href="/your_path_to_version_6_files/css/fontawesome.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Your Version 4 js file gets replaced with the .css files for the styles you want to use -->
<!-- In this example, we added the Solid and Brands styles, but you can add any or all of the styles -->
<link href="/your_path_to_version_6_files/css/solid.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/your_path_to_version_6_files/css/brands.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- support v4 icon references/syntax for Web Fonts -->
<link href="/your-path-to-fontawesome/css/v4-shims.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- Your icons should show up just as before -->

You're All Set!

Your project will now load Version 6 and render any existing icons using our newest and freshest icons and options. Are you running into trouble? Check out our troubleshooting guide for answers to common questions about using Font Awesome on the Web.

You might want to go check out the big pile of new icons we've added in Version 6, including the new Sharp Family and Thin Style, or check out all of Version 6's new styling options.

Icons Renamed Since Version 4

A lot of Version 4 icons have gone through name changes in Version 5 and Version 6. But, again, don’t worry if you have a project using Version 4 names. We made aliases for the old names that will translate to the new names if you don’t want to update your icon references.

Old Icon Name or Alias (Version 4) New Icon Name (Version 6) New Icon Prefix Unicode Value Icon Details
500px 500px fa-brands f26e
address-book-o address-book fa-regular f2b9
address-card-o address-card fa-regular f2bb
adn adn fa-brands f170
amazon amazon fa-brands f270
android android fa-brands f17b
angellist angellist fa-brands f209
apple apple fa-brands f179
area-chart chart-area fa-solid f1fe
arrow-circle-o-down circle-down fa-regular f358
arrow-circle-o-left circle-left fa-regular f359
arrow-circle-o-right circle-right fa-regular f35a
arrow-circle-o-up circle-up fa-regular f35b
arrows up-down-left-right fa-solid f0b2
arrows-alt maximize fa-solid f31e
arrows-h left-right fa-solid f337
arrows-v up-down fa-solid f338
asl-interpreting hands-asl-interpreting fa-solid f2a3
automobile car fa-solid f1b9
bandcamp bandcamp fa-brands f2d5
bank bank fa-solid f19c
bar-chart chart-bar fa-regular f080
bar-chart-o chart-bar fa-regular f080
bathtub bath fa-solid f2cd
battery battery-full fa-solid f240
battery-0 battery-empty fa-solid f244
battery-1 battery-quarter fa-solid f243
battery-2 battery-half fa-solid f242
battery-3 battery-three-quarters fa-solid f241
battery-4 battery-full fa-solid f240
behance behance fa-brands f1b4
behance-square behance-square fa-brands f1b5
bell-o bell fa-regular f0f3
bell-slash-o bell-slash fa-regular f1f6
bitbucket bitbucket fa-brands f171
bitbucket-square bitbucket fa-brands f171
bitcoin btc fa-brands f15a
black-tie black-tie fa-brands f27e
bluetooth bluetooth fa-brands f293
bluetooth-b bluetooth-b fa-brands f294
bookmark-o bookmark fa-regular f02e
btc btc fa-brands f15a
building-o building fa-regular f1ad
buysellads buysellads fa-brands f20d
cab taxi fa-solid f1ba
calendar calendar-days fa-solid f073
calendar-check-o calendar-check fa-regular f274
calendar-minus-o calendar-minus fa-regular f272
calendar-o calendar fa-regular f133
calendar-plus-o calendar-plus fa-regular f271
calendar-times-o calendar-xmark fa-regular f273
caret-square-o-down square-caret-down fa-regular f150
caret-square-o-left square-caret-left fa-regular f191
caret-square-o-right square-caret-right fa-regular f152
caret-square-o-up square-caret-up fa-regular f151
cc closed-captioning fa-regular f20a
cc-amex cc-amex fa-brands f1f3
cc-diners-club cc-diners-club fa-brands f24c
cc-discover cc-discover fa-brands f1f2
cc-jcb cc-jcb fa-brands f24b
cc-mastercard cc-mastercard fa-brands f1f1
cc-paypal cc-paypal fa-brands f1f4
cc-stripe cc-stripe fa-brands f1f5
cc-visa cc-visa fa-brands f1f0
chain link fa-solid f0c1
chain-broken link-slash fa-solid f127
check-circle-o circle-check fa-regular f058
check-square-o square-check fa-regular f14a
chrome chrome fa-brands f268
circle-o circle fa-regular f111
circle-o-notch circle-notch fa-solid f1ce
circle-thin circle fa-regular f111
clipboard clipboard fa-regular f328
clock-o clock fa-regular f017
clone clone fa-regular f24d
close xmark fa-solid f00d
cloud-download cloud-arrow-down fa-solid f0ed
cloud-upload cloud-arrow-up fa-solid f0ee
cny yen-sign fa-solid f157
code-fork code-branch fa-solid f126
codepen codepen fa-brands f1cb
codiepie codiepie fa-brands f284
comment-o comment fa-regular f075
commenting comment-dots fa-solid f4ad
commenting-o comment-dots fa-regular f4ad
comments-o comments fa-regular f086
compass compass fa-regular f14e
compress down-left-and-up-right-to-center fa-solid f422
connectdevelop connectdevelop fa-brands f20e
contao contao fa-brands f26d
copyright copyright fa-regular f1f9
creative-commons creative-commons fa-brands f25e
credit-card credit-card fa-regular f09d
credit-card-alt credit-card fa-solid f09d
css3 css3 fa-brands f13c
cutlery utensils fa-solid f2e7
dashboard gauge fa-solid f625
dashcube dashcube fa-brands f210
deafness ear-deaf fa-solid f2a4
dedent outdent fa-solid f03b
delicious delicious fa-brands f1a5
deviantart deviantart fa-brands f1bd
diamond gem fa-regular f3a5
digg digg fa-brands f1a6
dollar dollar-sign fa-solid 24
dot-circle-o circle-dot fa-regular f192
dribbble dribbble fa-brands f17d
drivers-license id-card fa-solid f2c2
drivers-license-o id-card fa-regular f2c2
dropbox dropbox fa-brands f16b
drupal drupal fa-brands f1a9
edge edge fa-brands f282
eercast sellcast fa-brands f2da
empire empire fa-brands f1d1
envelope-o envelope fa-regular f0e0
envelope-open-o envelope-open fa-regular f2b6
envira envira fa-brands f299
etsy etsy fa-brands f2d7
eur euro-sign fa-solid f153
euro euro-sign fa-solid f153
exchange right-left fa-solid f362
expand up-right-and-down-left-from-center fa-solid f424
expeditedssl expeditedssl fa-brands f23e
external-link up-right-from-square fa-solid f35d
external-link-square square-up-right fa-solid f360
eye eye fa-regular f06e
eye-slash eye-slash fa-regular f070
eyedropper eye-dropper fa-solid f1fb
fa font-awesome fa-brands f2b4
facebook facebook-f fa-brands f39e
facebook-f facebook-f fa-brands f39e
facebook-official facebook fa-brands f09a
facebook-square facebook-square fa-brands f082
feed rss fa-solid f09e
file-archive-o file-zipper fa-regular f1c6
file-audio-o file-audio fa-regular f1c7
file-code-o file-code fa-regular f1c9
file-excel-o file-excel fa-regular f1c3
file-image-o file-image fa-regular f1c5
file-movie-o file-video fa-regular f1c8
file-o file fa-regular f15b
file-pdf-o file-pdf fa-regular f1c1
file-photo-o file-image fa-regular f1c5
file-picture-o file-image fa-regular f1c5
file-powerpoint-o file-powerpoint fa-regular f1c4
file-sound-o file-audio fa-regular f1c7
file-text file-lines fa-solid f15c
file-text-o file-lines fa-regular f15c
file-video-o file-video fa-regular f1c8
file-word-o file-word fa-regular f1c2
file-zip-o file-zipper fa-regular f1c6
files-o copy fa-regular f0c5
firefox firefox fa-brands f269
first-order first-order fa-brands f2b0
flag-o flag fa-regular f024
flash bolt fa-solid f0e7
flickr flickr fa-brands f16e
floppy-o floppy-disk fa-regular f0c7
folder-o folder fa-regular f07b
folder-open-o folder-open fa-regular f07c
font-awesome font-awesome fa-brands f2b4
fonticons fonticons fa-brands f280
fort-awesome fort-awesome fa-brands f286
forumbee forumbee fa-brands f211
foursquare foursquare fa-brands f180
free-code-camp free-code-camp fa-brands f2c5
frown-o face-frown fa-regular f119
futbol-o futbol fa-regular f1e3
gbp sterling-sign fa-solid f154
ge empire fa-brands f1d1
gear gear fa-solid f013
gears gears fa-solid f085
get-pocket get-pocket fa-brands f265
gg gg fa-brands f260
gg-circle gg-circle fa-brands f261
git git fa-brands f1d3
git-square git-square fa-brands f1d2
github github fa-brands f09b
github-alt github-alt fa-brands f113
github-square github-square fa-brands f092
gitlab gitlab fa-brands f296
gittip gratipay fa-brands f184
glass martini-glass-empty fa-solid f000
glide glide fa-brands f2a5
glide-g glide-g fa-brands f2a6
google google fa-brands f1a0
google-plus google-plus-g fa-brands f0d5
google-plus-circle google-plus fa-brands f2b3
google-plus-official google-plus fa-brands f2b3
google-plus-square google-plus-square fa-brands f0d4
google-wallet google-wallet fa-brands f1ee
gratipay gratipay fa-brands f184
grav grav fa-brands f2d6
group users fa-solid f0c0
hacker-news hacker-news fa-brands f1d4
hand-grab-o hand-back-fist fa-regular f255
hand-lizard-o hand-lizard fa-regular f258
hand-o-down hand-point-down fa-regular f0a7
hand-o-left hand-point-left fa-regular f0a5
hand-o-right hand-point-right fa-regular f0a4
hand-o-up hand-point-up fa-regular f0a6
hand-paper-o hand fa-regular f256
hand-peace-o hand-peace fa-regular f25b
hand-pointer-o hand-pointer fa-regular f25a
hand-rock-o hand-back-fist fa-regular f255
hand-scissors-o hand-scissors fa-regular f257
hand-spock-o hand-spock fa-regular f259
hand-stop-o hand fa-regular f256
handshake-o handshake fa-regular f2b5
hard-of-hearing ear-deaf fa-solid f2a4
hdd-o hard-drive fa-regular f0a0
header heading fa-solid f1dc
heart-o heart fa-regular f004
hospital-o hospital fa-regular f0f8
hotel bed fa-solid f236
hourglass-1 hourglass-start fa-solid f251
hourglass-2 hourglass fa-solid f254
hourglass-3 hourglass-end fa-solid f253
hourglass-o hourglass fa-regular f254
houzz houzz fa-brands f27c
html5 html5 fa-brands f13b
id-badge id-badge fa-regular f2c1
id-card-o id-card fa-regular f2c2
ils shekel-sign fa-solid f20b
image image fa-regular f03e
imdb imdb fa-brands f2d8
inr rupee-sign fa-solid f156
instagram instagram fa-brands f16d
institution building-columns fa-solid f19c
internet-explorer internet-explorer fa-brands f26b
intersex transgender fa-solid f225
ioxhost ioxhost fa-brands f208
joomla joomla fa-brands f1aa
jpy yen-sign fa-solid f157
jsfiddle jsfiddle fa-brands f1cc
keyboard-o keyboard fa-regular f11c
krw won-sign fa-solid f159
lastfm lastfm fa-brands f202
lastfm-square lastfm-square fa-brands f203
leanpub leanpub fa-brands f212
legal gavel fa-solid f0e3
lemon-o lemon fa-regular f094
level-down turn-down fa-solid f3be
level-up turn-up fa-solid f3bf
life-bouy life-ring fa-regular f1cd
life-buoy life-ring fa-regular f1cd
life-ring life-ring fa-regular f1cd
life-saver life-ring fa-regular f1cd
lightbulb-o lightbulb fa-regular f0eb
line-chart chart-line fa-solid f201
linkedin linkedin-in fa-brands f0e1
linkedin-square linkedin fa-brands f08c
linode linode fa-brands f2b8
linux linux fa-brands f17c
list-alt rectangle-list fa-regular f022
long-arrow-down down-long fa-solid f309
long-arrow-left left-long fa-solid f30a
long-arrow-right right-long fa-solid f30b
long-arrow-up up-long fa-solid f30c
mail-forward share fa-solid f064
mail-reply reply fa-solid f3e5
mail-reply-all reply-all fa-solid f122
map-marker location-dot fa-solid f3c5
map-o map fa-regular f279
maxcdn maxcdn fa-brands f136
meanpath font-awesome fa-brands f2b4
medium medium fa-brands f23a
meetup meetup fa-brands f2e0
meh-o face-meh fa-regular f11a
minus-square-o square-minus fa-regular f146
mixcloud mixcloud fa-brands f289
mobile mobile-screen-button fa-solid f3cd
mobile-phone mobile-screen-button fa-solid f3cd
modx modx fa-brands f285
money money-bill-1 fa-regular f3d1
moon-o moon fa-regular f186
mortar-board graduation-cap fa-solid f19d
navicon bars fa-solid f0c9
newspaper-o newspaper fa-regular f1ea
object-group object-group fa-regular f247
object-ungroup object-ungroup fa-regular f248
odnoklassniki odnoklassniki fa-brands f263
odnoklassniki-square odnoklassniki-square fa-brands f264
opencart opencart fa-brands f23d
openid openid fa-brands f19b
opera opera fa-brands f26a
optin-monster optin-monster fa-brands f23c
pagelines pagelines fa-brands f18c
paper-plane-o paper-plane fa-regular f1d8
paste clipboard fa-regular f328
pause-circle-o circle-pause fa-regular f28b
paypal paypal fa-brands f1ed
pencil pencil fa-solid f303
pencil-square square-pen fa-solid f14b
pencil-square-o pen-to-square fa-regular f044
photo image fa-regular f03e
picture-o image fa-regular f03e
pie-chart chart-pie fa-solid f200
pied-piper pied-piper fa-brands f2ae
pied-piper-alt pied-piper-alt fa-brands f1a8
pied-piper-pp pied-piper-pp fa-brands f1a7
pinterest pinterest fa-brands f0d2
pinterest-p pinterest-p fa-brands f231
pinterest-square pinterest-square fa-brands f0d3
play-circle-o circle-play fa-regular f144
plus-square-o square-plus fa-regular f0fe
product-hunt product-hunt fa-brands f288
qq qq fa-brands f1d6
question-circle-o circle-question fa-regular f059
quora quora fa-brands f2c4
ra rebel fa-brands f1d0
ravelry ravelry fa-brands f2d9
rebel rebel fa-brands f1d0
reddit reddit fa-brands f1a1
reddit-alien reddit-alien fa-brands f281
reddit-square reddit-square fa-brands f1a2
refresh arrows-rotate fa-solid f021
registered registered fa-regular f25d
remove xmark fa-solid f00d
renren renren fa-brands f18b
reorder bars fa-solid f0c9
repeat arrow-rotate-right fa-solid f01e
resistance rebel fa-brands f1d0
rmb yen-sign fa-solid f157
rotate-left arrow-rotate-left fa-solid f0e2
rotate-right arrow-rotate-right fa-solid f01e
rouble ruble-sign fa-solid f158
rub ruble-sign fa-solid f158
ruble ruble-sign fa-solid f158
rupee rupee-sign fa-solid f156
s15 bath fa-solid f2cd
safari safari fa-brands f267
scissors scissors fa-solid f0c4
scribd scribd fa-brands f28a
sellsy sellsy fa-brands f213
send paper-plane fa-solid f1d8
send-o paper-plane fa-regular f1d8
share-square-o share-from-square fa-regular f14d
shekel shekel-sign fa-solid f20b
sheqel shekel-sign fa-solid f20b
shield shield-blank fa-solid f3ed
shirtsinbulk shirtsinbulk fa-brands f214
right-to-bracket fa-solid f2f6
sign-out right-from-bracket fa-solid f2f5
signing hands fa-solid f2a7
simplybuilt simplybuilt fa-brands f215
skyatlas skyatlas fa-brands f216
skype skype fa-brands f17e
slack slack fa-brands f198
sliders sliders fa-solid f1de
slideshare slideshare fa-brands f1e7
smile-o face-smile fa-regular f118
snapchat snapchat fa-brands f2ab
snapchat-ghost snapchat fa-brands f2ab
snapchat-square snapchat-square fa-brands f2ad
snowflake-o snowflake fa-regular f2dc
soccer-ball-o futbol fa-regular f1e3
sort-alpha-asc arrow-down-a-z fa-solid f15d
sort-alpha-desc arrow-down-z-a fa-solid f881
sort-amount-asc arrow-down-wide-short fa-solid f160
sort-amount-desc arrow-down-short-wide fa-solid f884
sort-asc sort-up fa-solid f0de
sort-desc sort-down fa-solid f0dd
sort-numeric-asc arrow-down-1-9 fa-solid f162
sort-numeric-desc arrow-down-9-1 fa-solid f886
soundcloud soundcloud fa-brands f1be
spoon spoon fa-solid f2e5
spotify spotify fa-brands f1bc
square-o square fa-regular f0c8
stack-exchange stack-exchange fa-brands f18d
stack-overflow stack-overflow fa-brands f16c
star-half-empty star-half fa-regular f089
star-half-full star-half fa-regular f089
star-half-o star-half fa-regular f089
star-o star fa-regular f005
steam steam fa-brands f1b6
steam-square steam-square fa-brands f1b7
sticky-note-o note-sticky fa-regular f249
stop-circle-o circle-stop fa-regular f28d
stumbleupon stumbleupon fa-brands f1a4
stumbleupon-circle stumbleupon-circle fa-brands f1a3
sun-o sun fa-regular f185
superpowers superpowers fa-brands f2dd
support life-ring fa-regular f1cd
tablet tablet-screen-button fa-solid f3fa
tachometer gauge fa-solid f625
telegram telegram fa-brands f2c6
television tv fa-solid f26c
tencent-weibo tencent-weibo fa-brands f1d5
themeisle themeisle fa-brands f2b2
thermometer temperature-full fa-solid f2c7
thermometer-0 temperature-empty fa-solid f2cb
thermometer-1 temperature-quarter fa-solid f2ca
thermometer-2 temperature-half fa-solid f2c9
thermometer-3 temperature-three-quarters fa-solid f2c8
thermometer-4 temperature-full fa-solid f2c7
thumb-tack thumbtack fa-solid f08d
thumbs-o-down thumbs-down fa-regular f165
thumbs-o-up thumbs-up fa-regular f164
ticket ticket-simple fa-solid f3ff
times-circle-o circle-xmark fa-regular f057
times-rectangle rectangle-xmark fa-solid f410
times-rectangle-o rectangle-xmark fa-regular f410
toggle-down square-caret-down fa-regular f150
toggle-left square-caret-left fa-regular f191
toggle-right square-caret-right fa-regular f152
toggle-up square-caret-up fa-regular f151
trash trash-can fa-solid f2ed
trash-o trash-can fa-regular f2ed
trello trello fa-brands f181
try lira-sign fa-solid f195
tumblr tumblr fa-brands f173
tumblr-square tumblr-square fa-brands f174
turkish-lira lira-sign fa-solid f195
twitch twitch fa-brands f1e8
twitter twitter fa-brands f099
twitter-square twitter-square fa-brands f081
unsorted sort fa-solid f0dc
usb usb fa-brands f287
usd dollar-sign fa-solid 24
user-circle-o circle-user fa-regular f2bd
user-o user fa-regular f007
vcard address-card fa-solid f2bb
vcard-o address-card fa-regular f2bb
viacoin viacoin fa-brands f237
viadeo viadeo fa-brands f2a9
viadeo-square viadeo-square fa-brands f2aa
video-camera video fa-solid f03d
vimeo vimeo-v fa-brands f27d
vimeo-square vimeo-square fa-brands f194
vine vine fa-brands f1ca
vk vk fa-brands f189
volume-control-phone phone-volume fa-solid f2a0
warning triangle-exclamation fa-solid f071
wechat weixin fa-brands f1d7
weibo weibo fa-brands f18a
weixin weixin fa-brands f1d7
whatsapp whatsapp fa-brands f232
wheelchair-alt accessible-icon fa-brands f368
wikipedia-w wikipedia-w fa-brands f266
window-close-o rectangle-xmark fa-regular f410
window-maximize window-maximize fa-regular f2d0
window-restore window-restore fa-regular f2d2
windows windows fa-brands f17a
won won-sign fa-solid f159
wordpress wordpress fa-brands f19a
wpbeginner wpbeginner fa-brands f297
wpexplorer wpexplorer fa-brands f2de
wpforms wpforms fa-brands f298
xing xing fa-brands f168
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