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Ruby on Rails

Font Awesome has an official Ruby on Rails gem for free and pro icons.

How to Install

There are different ways to install the free version vs. the pro version.

Add the Font Awesome Ruby gem to your Gemfile:

Terminal window
source "https://token:[email protected]/basic/fontawesome-pro/ruby/" do
gem "font-awesome-pro-sass", "VERSION"

Time to Bundle

In the terminal and in your project folder:

Terminal window
bundle install

Import Font Awesome

Add the following to the app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss file:

Terminal window
@import "font-awesome-pro";

Style Time

Next, you need to choose which style of icons you want to use in your project. You may import any number of the styles. Font Awesome has the following styles:

Terminal window
@import "font-awesome-pro/brands";
@import "font-awesome-pro/solid";
@import "font-awesome-pro/regular";
@import "font-awesome-pro/light";
@import "font-awesome-pro/thin";
@import "font-awesome-pro/duotone";
@import "font-awesome-pro/sharp-solid";
@import "font-awesome-pro/sharp-regular";
@import "font-awesome-pro/sharp-light";
@import "font-awesome-pro/sharp-thin";
@import "font-awesome-pro/sharp-duotone-solid";

Add Those Icons

It’s time!

<i class="fa-solid fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-regular fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-light fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-thin fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-duotone fa-solid fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-sharp fa-thin fa-alien"></i>
<i class="fa-sharp-duotone fa-solid fa-alien"></i>

Feeling your oats, add icons using the Rails helper function:

<%= icon('fa-solid', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-regular', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-light', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-thin', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-duotone', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-solid fa-sharp', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-solid fa-regular', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-solid fa-light', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-solid fa-thin', 'alien')%>
<%= icon('fa-solid fa-sharp-duotone', 'alien')%>

Alright Stop, Animate, and Listen

Want to animate or change the size of your icons? Here’s how:

<i class="fa-thin fa-user-secret fa-7x fa-beat"></i>

Or animate with the Rails helper function:

<%= icon('fa-thin', 'alien', class:"fa-7x fa-bounce")%>
<%= icon('fa-light', 'font-awesome', 'Font Awesome', id: 'my-icon', class: 'fa-shake')%>
<%= icon('fad', 'font-awesome', 'Font Awesome', id: 'my-icon', class: 'fa-beat')%>

Note: the icon helper can take a hash of options that will be passed to the content_tag helper

Other Ruby Projects

The path.scss file contains a function for using the font-path function if found. If the function is not found it will use the $fa-font-path variable for the path to the webfont files. You can override this variable to where your framework will store the webfonts files.